Monday, August 22, 2016

Borgen - An interesting TV series look at politics through Danish eyes - from which we might learn something useful for US politics on the left and the right in the USA..

"Borgen (Danish pronunciation: [ˈb̥ɒːˀʊ̯ən]) is a Danish political drama television series created by Adam Price. It tells how Birgitte Nyborg, a politician, becomes the first female Prime Minister of Denmark against all the odds."

This has been compared to "House of Cards" which is about a US couple, politically corrupt, who have contempt for voters,  a "sham" marriage and in which many people in their way end up dead.

"The ['Borgen'] show follows the newly elected Prime minister of Denmark Birgitte Nyborg and her Spin- doctor Kasper Juhl. While the first season was criticized for being a far cry away from any realistic depiction of politics, the second season have climbed to be a great story about the life of politicians in Denmark. While the drama is sometimes is exaggerated compared to that of real-life (which is to be expected) the stories are however quite believable as many of the themes are inspired by true stories and problems Denmark's politicians have faced during the last 20 years. 

While the characters went from stereo-types in season 1, many of them have grown into dynamic believable characters in the second installment. If one can survive the pretentious opening titles and the dumb-wise Machiavellian quotes, the sopping drama from time to time, especially in the first run, second season we offer a rich and engaging story which must be applaud for its eminent storytelling and drama which is both entertaining and relevant for anyone interested in politics." 

Here is an interesting analysis from another perspective especially relevant to this political season of Clinton, Trump and Sanders;

“ 'Borgen' captures this: History is human. Political leaders are driven by personal imperatives every bit as much as—often more than—public ones.

It demonstrates, knowingly or not, that to be of the left in the Western political context is to operate in a broad, deep, richly populated liberal-world that rarely if ever is pierced by contrary thought. They are in a bubble they can’t see, even as they accuse others of living in bubbles. Birgitte sees herself as practical and pragmatic, and she is—within a broader context of absolute and unquestioned ideology.

It reminded me that as a general rule political parties and political actors do not change their minds based on evidence or argument. They have to be beaten. Only then can they rationalize change to themselves and their colleagues: “We keep losing!” Defeat is the only condition in which they can see the need for change. They have to be concussed into it."

Here is the rest of this review with many comments by readers [when screened as Reader Recommended], which helps clarify fundamental issues of this current election season:

I have only seen bits and pieces of this series, but look forward to seeing some more parts of the later seasons, when I have the time and availability, based on the recent reviews that have been brought to my attention.